The Fastest Grave Digger in the East

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The day Kitty got whipped...Ouch

December 2007

Whip me one more time!!

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"Akak, letak banyak2 cream ye. Bagi dia penuh sikit."
- RogerKitty, September 2007


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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I hate me ~_~

I hate myself.
People see me as this happy go lucky kitty but actually, at times, deep inside, that is not me.
Actually I can be so serious....

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Run Kitty Run


Today I wanna blog about something that took place a few months ago.

I challenged my boss to a 15km run. Actually I was very confident of winning so the whole time leading to the race, I was very very very cocky. Who knew that my cockiness bit me in the arse :p

Actually my boss is one hell of a runner. He ran like the wind and I was struggling to catch up. I was like an old Beetle while he was a Golf GTi. Sigh...

I was so ashamed and for a few weeks I didn't say much and just kept to myself. But being the kitty that I am, it was just too hard... so I started 'digging' again :p Hehehehehehe

Roger Kitty

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Say my name :D

Meow, meow! :kitty: Hehe, RogerKitty is here again....
Just in case if you are wondering how I got my name....
My papa named me "Roger" since I'm small and then I love Hello Kitty so much....
That's how I decided to have this nice and cutie "RogerKitty" name :D

I also love little kitty very much, you can see the ascii art I did which took me about 3 months.
Nice or not?
゙(゚、 。 7
 l、゙ ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ

Signing off now, meow meow....
Kitty Forever!!!

Roger Kitty :kitty:

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tiring @ _ @

It's been a long day.

After work, I spent a lot of time looking for my car. Actually, I thought someone stole my car. I was really worried. I asked the uncle at the car park. But he asked me to check properly.

Actually I needed to fetch my friend. But I couldn't asked my sister to help. Cos she would kill me if she realised I lost my car.

I wanted to cry. But I don't dare. Cos the uncle was looking at me. I cannot have other people see Roger Kitty cry.

Then I called my brother-in-law. I tried to hold it but I started tearing as I told him what happened. Maybe the roads here a bit dusty. He came to pick me up. We lodged a police report after picking my friend.

After that we went back to the parking lot and GUESS WHAT?!! There was my car!!!!
OH MY GOD!! Turned out that I parked at another spot. Silly me. :">

I got scolded by my friend. Sigh

Gonna sleep now. Good night.

Roger Kitty

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

What is 1/15?

And I thought it was powder... habis lar my face.

Roger Kitty ^-^

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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy Bday RogerKitty! ^ _ ^

"I wish for a hunk-a-lump to treat me like the kitty I am"

I got my wish! Yay! *faint*

Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to Roger Kitty
Happy Birthday to me!!

Actually my birthday was on 5th July. My colleagues gave me this gorgeous flower garland for my birthday. It was white, yellow and green. I loved it!!! I wore it proudly while walking around Mid Valley Megamall.
Everyone was looking at me. Actually they are jealous. Hihihihi...
I felt like a superstar! I loved it! I loved it!

I refused to take it off the whole day :)

Roger Kitty :-)

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

2ND Post!! ^ - ^

Actually, typing like my earlier post is quite hard. I dunno how all my friends do that. Ahhh.

I haven't received any response for the profile I posted earlier. I am quite disappointed. Maybe the site was down earlier. @ _ @ They probably don't have good NG.

Last week I didn't have any exercise. Actually this is not good for me. In order for Roger Kitty to be in top form, I need to have enough exercise. Camping anyone? ^ o ^

Roger Kitty


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hi hi ^ - ^ !!~*

Hi~! mY nAmE iS rOgEr kItTy! i'M mAdE oF sUgAr aNd SpIcE, aNd eVeRyThInG nIcE~! aCtUaLLy, mY mOm sAyS I lOoK liKe tOnY LEuNg.

NoWaDaYs, eVeRyOnE hAs A bLOg. AcTuAllY, tHaT'S wHy I sTaRtEd tHiS bLoG. I dOn'T rEaLLy kNoW wHaT tO dO wItH iT yEt. bUt mAybE hEre I cAn eXpResS mY tRUe seLF.

tHat dAy, mY gOd-sIs inTroDuCeD a WeBsItE tO mE, aNd I fINd iT qUItE iNteResTinG. ThAt iS wHy i SiGNed uP fOR iT. At FiRsT I wAs sHy sHy. bUt sINce I loOk lIKe tONy lEUng, i ShUdN't bE sHy. HeRE iS tHe lINk. pLEaSe hAvE a LoOk. iF iNTerESted, dOn't fORgeT tO eMaIL~! ^ o ^

uH oH. nOw I gOt nG meEtiNG. WiLL uPdAtE aGaiN sOoN. bAbAi!!

xOxO, rOgEr kIttY

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